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What are Networking Circles and Verified Buyers?

When you were registering for the convention, did you wonder why we asked you to let us know your title? Networking Circles is the reason why. Each registered attendee will be assigned to a networking circle. These will be smaller groups of people who have similar job duties. During the convention, there is a designated time for these Networking Circles to meet on Sunday and Tuesday. The time will not be presentations or workshops, it will be time for you to build your network for the future. We want to provide you with a circle of friends you can call on in the future whenever you need fair advice.

So what is a Verified Buyer? It could be you. Verified Buyers is a new program at the convention this year. Do you make recommendations or decisions on goods, services, or entertainment for your fair? Would you like to have some dedicated time to meet with Trade Show Exhibitors? The Verified Buyers breakfast is accepting applications to participate in not only breakfast but also appointments with participating exhibitors. The best part, you get to share a hot breakfast and you will receive part of your registration money back if you keep your appointments. Interested? There is an application below the registration information on this page:


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