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IFM Courses Offered at the 2024 IAFE Annual Convention

Education starts at 9 a.m. Sunday, December 1, and concludes with the Consumer Protection Program (8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.) on Thursday, December 5.

You can register for these courses when you register for the Convention.


Facility Sales & Marketing (IFM #302)


Presented by Kathy Kramer, IFMG – Central Washington State Fair


**ALTERNATIVE COURSE** Not required for IFM Graduation.

This course will help you understand how to apply basic marketing concepts to the specific area of facility usage year-round (non-fair); and how to market your facilities year-round. Course material applies to all delegates whose fair operates year-round facilities for rental to others.

This is an optional, for-credit course for the Institute of Fair Management – all Convention delegates are welcome.

Information Technology (IFM #106)


Presented by Kyle Gustafson, IFMG – South Carolina State Fair


Prepare to dive into the dynamic world of fair information technology at the #106 IFM Information Technology course. This session will take you on a journey through the latest advancements and best practices in this vital domain. This course promises to be a treasure trove of insights. From recent updates on technology utilization and security to the intricacies of database management and software resources, aspects of fair IT management will be explored. Uniquely, the course will also provide attendees with an overview of developing a secure IT infrastructure – a critical skill in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Board Governance* (IFM #104)


Presented by Bill Charney – Charney Associates


What is the true job of a governing board? How can board and staff members effectively fulfill this job? This symposium focuses on the principles of effective group leadership that help boards define and focus on their work while empowering and energizing staff to get the work delegated done. Bill Charney presents an integrated model for systematic and comprehensive clarity of roles and accountabilities. He addresses effective delegation, the role and responsibility of the board, board composition and structure, the conduct of board members (including conflict of interest), the relationship between the board and chief executive, and how to re-motivate and keep board members engaged.


*An additional registration fee is required for this course. Please note that seating is limited, and on-site registration may not be available. This is a required for-credit course of the Institute of Fair Management – all Convention delegates welcome.

Ag Programming - Public/Edu (IFM #129)


This course will provide an overview of the role fairs play in agriculture education, how to develop an agriculture education program at your fair, how to incorporate STEM in ag education, and how to be innovative in educating your fairgoers about agriculture.

CPP E. coli Workshop* (IFM #111)


Presented by Dr. Stephen Neel – Technical Solutions International, and Jessica Underberg, IFMG, CFE – Erie County Fair, NY


Protecting your event goers, staff, and volunteers has never been so important. The IAFE, working with Dr. Stephen Neel of Technical Solutions International, presents the CPP workshop to help fairs understand enteric pathogens such as E. coli and to provide information on controlling traffic flow in all animal areas (not just petting zoos), creating proper signage, installing hand-wash areas, and establishing specific cleaning protocols. The risk management information and tools provided in CPP can be easily adapted to develop pandemic plans.


What CPP Offers You:

•    Introduction to enteric pathogens – what they are, the impact on fairs, what’s at stake

•    Understanding enteric pathogens – some microbiology!

•    Analyzing your facility – everyone brings maps, and diagrams of their fairs, and time is spent analyzing the flow

•    Improving Operational Procedures – signage, handwashing, waste management, etc.

•    Site evaluation exercises – each attendee works with the presenters to examine their facilities and work on ideas/plans

•    Record-keeping

•    Creating the Consumer Protection Plan


Following the workshop, attendees will have the opportunity to consult, one-on-one, with the presenters to review their facilities’ site plans. These site reviews will be conducted December 6-8 via Zoom or Teams (site review session must be scheduled no later than 5 p.m. CDT, December 4, and all participants must complete the site review to receive a certificate).


*An additional registration fee is required for this course. Please note that seating is limited, and on-site registration may not be available. This is a required course of the Institute of Fair Management – all Convention delegates are welcome.

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