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Raisin For A Reason

Vicki Chouris, CFE

Vicki Chouris from the South Florida Fair in West Palm Beach, Fla., attends Raisin’ for a Reason each year. She and some of her staff and board choose to attend every year for many reasons. Raisin’ for a Reason supports the IAFE Education Foundation to help educate everyone in our industry. She credits her success to the education provided by the IAFE.

The added benefit is that the event is fun. There is food, drink, and lots of networking. It is a chance to see people that you may not have seen for a year. After the education on Sunday, it is a chance to see everyone to say hello. Vicki also likes to take her board chair every year, they enjoy the event and are impressed with the event that is raising funds for the right reason.

The event includes not only food, drink, and fun, but also a live auction. To bid on the exclusive live auction items, you do need to attend the event. During Raisin’ for a Reason, we will kick off the online auction that is open during the convention.

You can purchase your tickets with your registration. Tickets are $125 or a VIP table of 10 for $1,500. If you wait to purchase a ticket onsite, they will be $135. Want to donate an item to the auction?

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